
Data handling is the process of managing and working with data in a structured and meaningful way. It involves collecting data from various sources, storing it securely, processing it to extract useful information, and presenting it in a format that is easy to understand.


The categories applicable to this standard are:

Information and Data Management
  • Data Governance
  • Data Lifecycle
  • Data Protection


Effective management of data ensures we keep DfE’s information secure, improves quality and consistency, making DfE’s data easier to locate and use.

How to meet this standard

What DfE staff, including consultants, contractors and third party suppliers must do

  1. Ensure data is handled, stored and transmitted securely, whether in electronic or paper form. Personal data must be kept secure and not disclosed to unauthorised persons by taking sensible precautions and following Departmental policies, standards and procedures.
  2. Ensure data is not shared without adhering to DfE's data sharing guidance. Personal data must only be shared for lawful and appropriate purposes.

What the Information Asset Owner (IAO) / Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) must do

  1. Ensure international transfers are approved by information security, where applicable.
  2. Implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to embed data protection principles and safeguard individuals' rights throughout the data lifecycle.
  3. Create a Cookies and similar technologies policy, if applicable.
  4. Ensure contracts are complaint with UK GDPR, and other relevant legislation.
  5. Embed adequate compliance measures for the proposed data collection / use.

Declaring conformance with this standard

Conformance with the standard must be recorded every 12 months.

Owner and contacts

Standard owner
Saheel Sankriwala
Chief Technology and Data Officer
Other point of contact
DDT Standards